The Flow-Tronic range of gauges are designed for the precise measurement of internal pipe diameters from a simple tap.
Initially designed as a tool associated with TORPEE-MAG multi-point insertion electromagnetic flowmeters, the instrument can however be used independently of these products to measure the real internal diameters of pipes.
In many cases, especially in older pipes, the internal diameter may differ significantly from the initial diameter due to corrosion and various deposits over time (rust tubers, scale...).
Even for new pipes or pipes with little risk of deposits, the exact specifications of the pipes may be unknown (composition and thickness of the coating).
However, precise knowledge of this diameter is necessary in particular for the operation of flowmeters in full pipes, to convert the measured velocities into flow rates (electromagnetic flowmeters, ultrasonic flowmeters ...).
Flow-Tronic gauges are adapted to a very wide range of pipe diameters thanks to an original concept of rods assembled in segments; this concept also makes it possible to limit the constraint of the necessary clearance height.
Based on a very easy to use system of stops and locating rings, they can be used on pressurized pipes, without stopping the flow.